Friday, November 2, 2012

Kicking Some Cancer Butt

I went for my post-op, one month out after the TORS operation and was oooo'd & ahhhh'd over about how well the surgeries were healing. Dr. O'Malley was pleased. Of course, I was wearing my Kick Cancer's Butt Boots and bearing another catering tray of Ice House donuts ~ what could go wrong?
Kick-Butt Boots

I still have an ever decreasing area of numbness around my left ear & left side of tongue, but I am eating & talking ~ nay, even yelling at times ~ almost at my pre-surgery range. I am also delighted to find I am able to issue my ear-piercing unlady-like whistle at practically the same startling volume as my old self. Surely God is Good:) My sleeping is much improved. After the surgery, I used to sleep sitting up in bed ~ awkward ~ and only for exactly 1 1/2 hours at a time until my dry mouth woke me up. Now I sleep up to five hours straight.

Because I elected to go for the TransOral robotic surgery (TORS), the healing time was much shorter & the radiation level does not have to be as high as if I were to have undergone traditional surgery. The traditional surgery for this type of cancer is very rough because of how deep in the throat the cancer is located. Bones would have to be broken, extensive cutting & scarring... a possible tracheostomy while healing took place. It would have been a hard, painful road to travel & my hat is off to those who have gone that route. :'(

I'm grateful for the sheer luck of being located near  Drs. O'Malley & Weinstein & the amazing staff at HUP.

Next up, a "practice run" on the radiation gig on November 9th, then the real thing on the 12th. I'm thinking I should bring donuts.


  1. you go girl!! let me know when u r upo for something

    1. Feeling an urge for a Sanatoga Antiques visit...

  2. donuts are always good

    1. DL, By the looks on all their faces, you might think I was bringing in the Cure For Cancer On A Plate, instead of just donuts :)

  3. Me loves some cancer kickin boots.

    Terrific news about your healing and yelling. Attitude means a lot. Never let them tellya differn't.

    So happy for the home that Susan and Craig built.

    1. Munch, whenever I am at a lack for Attitude, pulling on cowboy boots usually recharges it. I highly recommend a good pointy toed boot.

  4. monique bilodeau hedegardNovember 3, 2012 at 6:24 AM

    OMG...the boots! AMAZING :~) TORS, O'Malley the Alley Cat & crew pretty incredible too. Love hearing all the good stuff, makes me smile. Hey, btw, I think these boots would be great "good luck charm" on your next auction or pickin adventure!
